Things that dreamers see in a relationship
Relationships are complex, and at times perplexing, because people are. We're erratic, annoying creatures who don't always know what we're doing or what we want. Nonetheless, we are expected to merge with another member of this species and work in unison. So I've discovered that in most relationships, people tend to focus on things to be aware of in the other person while there is so much to be aware of within ourselves. I mean, it's simpler to point fingers at people, the things we expect from them, the things we desire from them, and the flaws in them. Everyone wants to be recognized as a self-sufficient individual, the one who takes the initiative and chooses “what-to-do and need-to-do” in a relationship. When we are trapped in our love tales, we all seek assistance from friends, family, and even through social media, such as this article, which gives information on the difficulties we are dealing with. And the answer is invariable, "Whoever ...